Chinse Tea Forum

Title: How to review yellow tea [Print this page]

author: Peter    time: 2012-4-13 09:33:52     Title: How to review yellow tea

How to review yellow tea
Yellow tea varieties and processing technologies, the shape of a significant difference. Such as Silver Needle to the shape of the needle, fat, full coat is as good bud, bud thin flat cents less for the poor. Mongolian top yellow tips to the bar flat, straight, Nha Trang and cents for the last, bar bending, bud thin little worse. Luyuan tea is the tight end of the cable curl a ring, significantly cents better, as amended, loose straight, no significant cents worse. The large yellow tea leaves hypertrophy strips connected to the stems long and strong, stems leaves for good, the leaf-shaped, thin and short stems, the separation of stem leaves or stems Duanye broken worse. The wetness of the assessment of color than yellow, dark fresh, golden Xianrun for excellent color dry dark for poor net rating than the stems, the film, the late and non-tea inclusion content. The large yellow tea stem olfactory aroma rice crust Hong enough fire power for good, lack of fire power for the times, Green stuffiness or coarse green gas worse. Assessment endoplasmic soup Huang Tang Mingliang excellent, yellow or dark yellow and turbid times. Aroma Qing Yue excellent stuffy aggregate worse. Taste to Gan the alcohol Xianshuang back, the convergence of the weak as well; bitter, astringent, light, nausea times. Bottom of leaves, shoots stout, Leveling, yellow, bright, shoots thin thin yellow dark times.

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