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Share Laser distance meter manufacturer
zoe 2013-2-26 14:37
Laser distance meter manufacturer Trusted: State-owned China Merchants Group invested as strategic stakeholder After two months of investigation and negotiation, China Merchants Group and Technology Co., Ltd finally reach an Investment Agreement for the development of Laser Distance Meters, and Brand. Laser distance meter The large sum of capital means extraordinary significance to, at the moment of breakthrough period. In the past three years, from Losses to balance, then to profits, and now waiting for a breakthrough, and begins for rapid expansion to ranging the top in surveying and automation industry. That’s the common goal of both parties. About China Merchants Group Century-old Enterprise Founded in 1872, it’s an enterprise older than 140 years, and still booming. Large State-owned Enterprise Laser distance measurer China Merchants Group, subordinated to the State-owned SASAC of the State Council, is a key state-owned enterprise directly under the central government. Headquartered in Hong Kong Headquartered in Hong Kong, China Merchants started business in 1873 and is the oldest mainland China enterprise operating in this city. Conglomerate The three core business sectors of China Merchants Group are transportation and related infrastructure (ports, toll roads, energy transportation and logistics); financial investment and management; property development and management. In the end of 2011, it had the total assets of RMB 342.3 billion, assets under management of RMB 3.10 trillion, and total profits of 23.7 billion. Its net profit attributable to parent company ranked No.8 among all. Handheld laser distance meter The long and exciting investigation and negotiation China Merchants Group met from the champion of “Star Entrepreneurs”, in which won the 3rd place and was proudly granted with awards by, Director of Municipal Technology Committee. Laser distance measurement Before the end of the competition, representatives of China Merchants Group began to notice , because of its enthusiasm, persistence and innovations in their products: laser distance meter. During the competition, representatives visited factory and talked details about the current situation, future plans, dreams…
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